
Online teaching with Julie Christiansen



Undervisning bookes og betales på denne kalender. Undervisning udføres i enten Ridesum, Pivo eller live på gården. 

Teaching can be booked and paid in this calender. Choose after that either Ridesum or Pivo for the teaching lesson on the day 

Unterricht kann in diesem Kalender reseviert und bezahlt werden. Am tag - entweder Ridesum app oder Pivo app wählen. 

New: You can now also book a time to get feedback on pre-taped traning. Just film 1-2 training session and send the link pr mail (youtube, vimeo...) - max 30 min video. And you wil get a feedback from Julie with what to train and what to focus on in the next 2-3 weeks.